Carrot-cremesoup meets Courgette-cremesoup

200 g carrots
40 g butter
20 g flour
 ¾ l water
2 potatoes
salt, sugar
200 g courgettes
40 g butter 20 g flour
¾ l water
2 potatoes
salt, pepper
crème fraiche, herbs, croutons

First of all weigh the ingredients. Then melt the butter, for every soup in a separate pan and fry the onion in it. When the onion is golden brown add the carrots/zucchini and potatoes and fry well. Add the flour and pour the water into the soups.

Cook until the vegetables are soft boiled. Puree both soups. Pour the soups separately from each other into the plate. Refine with a little crème fraiche, herbs and croutons – done!

Enjoy your meal!

Alina Kleindienst & Julia Gutschi